Thursday 28 October 2010

Blitz - Lecture

I remember the last year Blitz lecture very well and to be honest I didn't clearly understand everything back then. Somehow I couldn't see the whole picture about the industry and the way how to evolve as an artist. After the first year I have acquired some understanding of how certain things work and it also has changed my ability to spot things as an artist.
That is why this year's lecture was compleatly different for me. I know that most of it was basicly the same but I have to say that not only the lecture itself was prepared better but also I was more prepared for it.

I was hoping that both Aaron and Jolyon will talk more about the industry itself. I was very curious about how it is in other companies. What requirements are in them and what kind of people are they looking for. I thought the lecture was great but I would like to hear more about their career before blitz. How hard was it for them to get a job. How the industry changed, how hard is to get a job at the moment and what did they have to go through etc etc. I defenetively would like to have a longer chat with Aaron. He helped me understand some mistakes and improvements that I could make towards my Blitz-Treasure Chest project. Personaly I think it would help me with the way I am modeling right now. Pinpoint my mistakes and how to improve. That would be cool.

What I enjoyed the most was the talk about how drawing will affect your artistical judgement in creating 3D artwork. All the advices were very spot on and actually that is what I needed to hear. Painting over constantly when creating art will make me spot and fix problems more often.
The Q&A session was quite good but what we all need to do for the next one is to prepare some question before the lecture so that we can get more precise answers. The problem with most of the questions was that they seemed to apply to an overall view of the industry. For example I would like to here more specific answers which would help me to develop even further.

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